Flaherty to leave ICPF with a legacy of success

The International Corrugated Packaging Foundation (ICPF) has confirmed that its President, Richard Flaherty, will be leaving the Foundation in October for a new opportunity.

Tim Bergwall, acting Chairman, ICPF, will work with the Board of Directors in the coming months to initiate a search for a new leader. Bergwall said, “On behalf of the ICPF Board and the industry, we would like to thank Richard for his 16 years of service and valuable contributions to ICPF. Among its many accomplishments under Richard’s leadership, the Foundation raised significant funding to establish or expand corrugated packaging programs at 19 Universities and created a pipeline through which 100 – 150 students are annually recruited to the corrugated packaging industry”.

Flaherty stated that the Foundation is well positioned for continued success into the future. He noted, “It has been very fulfilling to serve as a leader and president of ICPF and I will miss regularly seeing many industry friends, including former students who discovered the potential of the corrugated packaging industry through ICPF.”

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