Independent research looks at Highcon’s non-crush creasing

A research paper published on 25th June in Sensors, an MDPI journal, found that when compared to conventional creasing performed by flatbed analog die-cutting, Highcon’s patented DART creasing technology can help preserve the inherent mechanical properties of corrugated board while sustaining high packaging quality.

The study examined the impact of analog and digital creasing lines on the performance of corrugated board and finished boxes, conducted by researchers from the Institute of Structural Analysis, Poznan University of Technology and the Department of Biosystems Engineering, Poznan University of Life Sciences.

Researchers measured a broad range of parameters on boards creased by both an analog die-cutter and a Highcon digital die-cutting system. Measurements were made on areas of the board that were both creased and uncreased, as well as on complete boxes.

The abstract of the study can be found here.

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