Everest hits a high with C/Line!

As the COVID-19 pandemic started to impact on life back in the spring of 2020, many machine manufacturers had to adapt and work out how to install machinery remotely. Fosber was only 75% of the way through installing a new C/Line 250 full line corrugator at South Africa-based Everest Packaging Group in March, when they had to recall all their technicians back to Italy. But with remote technology and a close collaboration with local engineers and operators at Everest’s new sheetfeeder facility in Johannesburg South, the new corrugator started up on time and within budget.

It seems the installation went well and a mere nine months later, the company has been recording some impressive numbers on the new machine. On one day in early January, the company achieved an average running speed of 205m per min and produced over 148,000 linear metres of board, undertaking two flute changes, 17 wet-end changes and 48 dry-end order changes.

“We are really happy with how well this C/Line corrugator started up for us,” confirms Brian Seggar, Director, Everest Packaging Group. “Our operators have mastered the machine and try to get the best out of it, day in and day out.”


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