Recycling Association Budget Comment

“On the one hand I’m disappointed the 2018 Budget Speech on Monday 29th October didn’t really major on UK recycling. If ever there was a year for more environmental inclusions, it was this one. But on the other hand, we’re happy with the introduction of a tax that requires manufacturers to incorporate 30% recycled content into new plastic packaging,” said Simon Ellin, CEO of the UK based Recycling Association.

“The language used in the supporting documentation is also positive. There is a recognition that the decisions made by UK manufacturers, retailers and others within the supply chain are crucially important to the recyclability of material collected – and an understanding that the recycling sector cannot achieve the impossible. This measured approach and supporting funding gives us the platform to find and deliver new solutions. I would welcome seeing the money earmarked to boost recycling used to bring uniformity into local authority collections, making it easier for everyone to achieve better results.

“However, the Budget did not mention measures to incentivise development of more UK recycling capacity or details of increased funding from Extended Producer Responsibility for recycling. We hope the Resources and Waste Strategy, when published soon, will fill in these gaps,” concluded Mr Ellin.

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