€12,000 donation from Progroup

Progroup has donated €12,000 to the Children’s and Youth Farm in Landau. The donation was handed over during the after-work party to mark the official opening of the extended office building at Progroup head office in Landau by Maximilian Heindl, Chief Development Officer and member of the Board of Progroup, to Dagmar Flörchinger, 1st Chairwoman of the Youth Farm. 

Supporting social projects is a matter that is very close to Progroup’s heart. The family-run company attaches great importance to thinking and acting sustainably and with a long-term view. This is why Progroup deliberately focuses its social activities on the education and training of children and young people.

“The concept behind the Children’s and Youth Farm excites me. It creates a valuable space for adolescents in which they can develop and receive support and encouragement regardless of their background or social status. This approach is exemplary and we are very happy to support it,” stresses Maximilian Heindl.

Dagmar Flörchinger added, “For a project like Landau Children’s and Youth Farm to survive over the long term, we need to receive regular support. The donation from Progroup is a very valuable contribution that will allow us to deliver our educational concepts in the future, thereby giving children and young people the opportunity to develop new skills.”

Left to right: Volker Metz (Progroup),Carolin Bollinger (Progroup), Dagmar Flörchinger, (Chairwomen of the Youth Farm), Maximilian Heindl (Progroup) and Jürgen Heindl (Progroup).

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