Compact Pro is new

To coincide with the 10th anniversary of the foundation of Cartostrip, the company has introduced its new model, the Cartostrip Compact Pro. The machine has a more powerful motor than the previous models and runs faster. The company also supplies a compete system with pallet turntable, balancer and items to ensure the failsafe running of the equipment.

John Logan of Box-it in Belfast, said, “I have been delighted with the performance of the Cartostrip device. It has improved the die-cutting operation of our plant and made the stripping operators job faster and more productive.”

Ben Genisi, Managing Director of HSG Packaging, said, “The Cartostrip has allowed us to provide customers with much lower cost, shorter run options, due to the flexibility it has in our productions process. We use the machine to strip everything from Micro Flute material all the way through to heavy duty materials such as CA doublewall board. We saw a return on investment in less than 6 months, which is a impressive for any piece of capital equipment.”

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